This series of videos will take you through the step by step process of working with the CNC.

Video 1 - Securing Your Piece

This video shows you how to secure your piece of wood onto the bed of the Axiom CNC using clamps and a sacrificial board.


Video 2 - Changing The Bit

This video shows you how to change the bit and collet on the CNC router.


Video 3 - XYZ Origin

This video shows you how to move the bit to your XYZ origin that you programmed in VCarve, and how to zero XYZ using the control pad and the tool set puck.


Video 4 - Starting Your Piece

This video shows you how to use the control pad to find your tool path file and start it running.


Video 5: Pausing And Restarting

This video shows you how to use the control pad to pause in the middle of a job, save your stop point, and then restart from that point again. It also shows what to do if the emergency red button on the CNC is pushed, or the electricity cuts out in the middle of a job.


Video 6 - Multiple Tool Paths

This video shows you how to run a job that has multiple tool paths. This job is a 60 degree carving starting with a 1/4" endmill clear out.

If you're looking for more information about the AXIOM CNC after watching this video series, visit the AXIOM Website

Special thanks to LCW Member and Volunteer Jen Wilson for creating the CNC Beginners Workshop videos.